Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Art Exhibition in Harstad, April 10 – 17

Stangnes videregående skole (Stangnes upper secondary school), Harstad, Norway, and Escola Massana, Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain) have been partners in this two years cooperation titled "North South Ephemeral Art Communication". The Catalan students have been on exchange visit to Harstad building snow sculptures, and the Norwegian students have been on exchange to Barcelona building kites. This cultural cooperation between north and south is thoroughly documented.  Now Stangnes videregående skole invites to an art exhibition:


Place: Harstad Kunstforening, Tore Hunds gate 5, Harstad

Opening hours:
Friday April 10, 13:00 (opening)
Monday April 13 - Friday April 17, 10:00-14:00
Thursday April 16, 10:00-18:00

Poster made by the students
This exhibition will present all the processes from idea sketches to complete snow sculptures. We will exhibit all sketches and models, companied by pictures of all the snow sculptures, and we will show films from our works.

We will put forward information about different aspects of this international school project.

The exhibition is open for all visitors, but we especially invite pupils from the Harstad schools to learn how to work with snow as material. We also wish to tell how we through contact with students from other parts of the world have been able to communicate and learn of each other how to build both passing art and lasting relations.

Stangnes videregående skole
Magne Heide
Project Coordinator

Invitation sheet (English version)

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