Wednesday, 29 October 2014

From painter's studies to student's paintings

In this project, we looked at different paintings of Inger Kaurin. With inspiration from one of her paintings, we "repainted" this in our own way. The first year's students at Stangnes secondary school carried out this project.

Inger Kaurin is a painter living in Harstad. She has her own facebook website with art photos. You may also watch Inger Kaurin's exhibition at Harstad kunstforening with the painting "te på taket".

You may see Inger Kaurins originally paintings at here facebook website. Here you also will find the paintings we used in our project: "Kirke" (Church), "Marios" (Mario's), "Blåtimen" (The blue hour), "Punkthuset", (The City Centre Point, building) and "På kaia" (On the quay). 

All the paintings have motives from the mediaeval Trondenes Church or Central Harstad.  As you will see, some of the buildings in Central Harstad have a 'modernisma' look.

We were asked to tell
- why we chose this painting of Inger Kaurin,
- what kind of painting techniques we used, and
- what kind of difficulties that eventually occurred during the painting process.

"KIRKE" (Trondenes Church)

The building is called Trondenes church.
I chose to paint this picture because it was simple, but at the same time, it had so many details, and I really liked the picture. 
Some of the equipment that was used in the picture was stamp, some light colours and some dark colours, paper from the newspapers and a sponge.
The picture size is 50x40.

The building is called Trondenes church.
I chose this picture because I thought the church was presented so beautifully with the flowers and the light shining from the roof. I also chose it because it is a lot of history behind this church. 
Equipment I used was stamps, light and dark colours, collage, paper from newspapers and a sponge. 
The picture was 50x40.

The painting is called Trondenes church.
I chose that building because in my eyes, that was the most fascinating painting, and it looked like it was easy.
She have used newspaper under the paint.
She has used uneven lines as an artistic means. I don`t know what Inger Kaurin did, but I used spackle to make it look more realistic.

"PÅ KAIA" ("On the quay", Central Harstad)

The name of this building is "Administrasjonsbygget' – the harbour administration building. I chose this picture because it is a cool and nice building. I thought it was easy to paint but it was not. It was difficult to paint because I had to mix colours.

"BLÅTIMEN" ("The blue hour", Central Harstad)

I chose this picture because I liked the blue cold colours accompanied with a few warmer yellow colours in the sky giving it a little warmth. I also gave it a little more warmth by making the colours of the big building to the left a bit stronger and more orange-ish to make the warm/cold effect stronger. There’s also a lot of white in some of the buildings, lined up with black, making them a bit more visible in between the warmth and cold colours instead of looking plain compared to them

Motive choice: ‘’Gjensidigegården’’
Painting technique: I used a sponge on the night sky. On the ground, I used clay and smeared it on to make it a little rough.
I used much darker colours than the original painting. The sky is in big contrast to the light building. I am not fully done with the painting.

"PUNKTHUSET" (The City Centre Point, building)


"MARIOS" (Central Harstad)

The picture is a small part of Strandgata and the reason why I chose this picture was that I liked the buildings and the way it was painted.
Inger Kaurin is known for using different things in her pictures, like for example newspaper, tissues, zippers and other crazy stuffs. But in this photo, there weren’t anything but paint so I added glitter and some newspaper.

I chose the picture 'Marios' because it was very beautiful, and I really liked the colours she used. Things or effects that she normally uses is to take texts from the newspaper and use it in her paintings. The colours that she often uses is orange and yellow. She is a very detailed painter. 

1 comment:

  1. All the paintings are incredible! I really like the combination of colours and the contrast between cold and warm
