At Stangnes
videregående skole we put forward this question to our students:
What do you know about Spain, Catalonia, and Spanish / Catalan
Here is a selection of
our answers:
1. They love ham and
they have a good football player.
2. At least where I
have been in Spain, the inhabitants have taken a siesta in the middle of the
day. Then all the shops have been closed for an hour, or so… Spain
has quite a warm climate, with bright sun and a hot enough climate to grow palm
trees. As far as the food, I know that
the Spanish people are well known, in particular for their famous Tapas.
3. I don’t know much
about Spain. But I do know that their climate and society is very different
from ours. A lot of teenagers there, around 50% do not have a job, I also
believe that their nature is very different from our mountains and fjords. They
probably speak Spanish or catalan.
4. What do I
know about Spain? Okay, I can say: Not really that much. Most of the
population, I would believe, speak Spanish, but there exists catalan, which is
a mix of French and Spanish if I remember correctly. There is an area in
Madrid, and if I remember correctly one in Sevilla that, at least it used to
be, for bullfighting. There is also the annual(?) bull race, if my memory is not
failing me. Also, dubble l (ll) is pronounced j. There is a lot of strange
food, which I cannot remember the name of.
That would be about it.
5. I think
Spanish people are very nice. I think the nature is very warm and dry some
places, but beautify in others. I think there is very warm in the summer, but
not so much in the winter, although it’s almost like a cold summer in Northern-Norway.
And I think the Spanish people eat a lot of fish especially bacalao and
octopus. And also spicy dishes.
6. I don’t know more
than that it’s warmer in Barcelona then in Harstad. And that they have a church
which is not finished. And they speak Catalan.
7. I know the Spaniards generally are
friendly people and I have heard that if they see a crying child, they will try
to make the child happy again, even if they do not know the child. The climate
is vigorous with a lot of trees like orange trees and flowers decorating the
towns and surroundings. About food, I think of tapas.
8. They speak spanish or catalan. Spain
and Catalonia has a warmer climate than Norway. Barcelona is a big vity with a
lot of people and buildings. People live more close to each other with less
space, perhaps their houses and flats are smaller than ours. They also have
other types of food than we have. They do not bring their own lunch packet to
school, and probably they eat dinner later in the evening than we do. They have
a siesta in the evening. I think they have a greater variety of food.
9. I know they speak catalan. They also
have a siesta in the middle of the day. Spanish people drink a lot of beer.
They have good tapas and good food. It is hot there in summer time.
10. I know
diddly-squat about Spain and their inhabitants. I am of the impression,
however, that they value family more than we do. Norwegian families tend to
divide themselves as the years go by and it’s members turn older and
independent of their mommy and daddy.
11. I know they speak
Spanish. I know that the nature is very different from ours, so is the climate.
It’s much warmer there and they don’t have as many mountains and fjords. The
people are pretty much the same, humans are humans, but they do have other ways
of living and traditions. I don’t know much about their food, but I think they
use more spices then we do.
12. I do not know so
much about Spain, but I’ve been in Spain many times and I love it. I actually
don’t know anything about the Spanish
culture or the Spanish people. But the one thing I know is that the Spanish
guys at the hotel I lived in this summer was suuupercute.
13. I know nothing
actually, except that Lionel Messi who plays on the Barcelonan football team is
currently one of the best players in the world.
14. Barcelona is a big
city. The weather is hot. Spanish people are friendly. They eat paella and
white bread.
15. It is really warm
in Spain in the summer and just a little bit colder in the winter. There is not
much snow, not even every year, I think… The Spanish buildings are very pretty
and some of the big cathedrals are so inspiring and different from all
buildings in Norway.
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