It was hard
to get up early in the morning, but all students managed to be at Sants Estació
in time for the train to Barcelona Airport. It was not easy to say goodbye to
our friends in Barcelona, but we hope to meet again. We will come back to
Barcelona again, and we hope to see our catalan friends in Norway again as well.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Day 10 in Barcelona
It was
cloudy and rainy today, but we managed to see parts of this beautiful city on
our last day here.
teachers involved from Escola Massana and Stangnes upper secondary school met
in Sitges for a nice lunch and a summary of the Comenius project so far.
(Pictures to come)
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Day 9 in Barcelona
This was
the day to relax a little bit after five hard days at school. Some of us went
to Parc de la Ciutadella in the town centre. Others went for shopping.
Friday, 28 March 2014
Kite Building
During the
second exchange in Barcelona in March 2014, all the thirty exchange students made
fifteen kites inspired in the natural forms present in Gaudí's works.
Kite Building Instruction
Cécile Dediue Augé made a thorough instruction in Catalan. This instruction is now translated into English (by Cristina de la Cruz) and into Norwegian "Nynorsk" (by Magne Leon Heide).
You might use this Construcció d'estels / Kite construction / Drakelaging free for your own purposes on internet, but we appreciate that you make some small credits to the makers of this instruction.
On internet:
Kite Building workshop
The actual kite building work shop at Escola Massana, March 21-31 2014, is documented on the video "Gaudí Inspired Kites Workshop".
Day 8 in Barcelona
Today was
the last day at Escola Massana. We started with one hour of Catalan
language. And now we went to La
Boqueria, the famous marked in Barcelona just a few meters from the school.
Here we walked around learning some Catalan words for food. We nearly looked
like guiris.
Yesterday nearly
everyone finished illustrating his or her kite. Today we made all the rest of
the kite. It was many things to do before they were finished.
After lunch
we went by bus to Port Olimpic and then to one of the nearby playas. Here we
started to make all the kites to fly. Some of us had problems with this, but in
the end, we made all fifteen kites fly in one or another way. One of them went
about one hundred meters up in the air. It was fantastic to see all the kites
The local TV also visited our kite exhibition, and you may see a very short report at this site. (28.3., 12:20 minuts).
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Day 7 in Barcelona
This day
started with a strike at the school. All the Catalan students stayed outside
for nearly two hours while the Norwegians were allowed to enter the school. We
also got half a quarter of an hour's "lesson" in the background of
this strike.
Two of the
students have made this report of today:
Today M.
and I was working hard on our Catalonian draco. We nearly finished it. We
decided to go for skulls and bones because it has been a great inspiration for
Gaudi in his work. We also decided for a dragon because of Saint Jorge and his
laying of the dragon.
After school,
we went to eat some good Serano and Chorizo sandwiches, and then we travelled
to Sabadell Center. M. showed med all the best of graffiti. I est moi
impressico !
We were joking
about M. being an official graffiti tour guide, taking people around Sabadell,
explaining different pieces.
After this
tour we went to the local graffiti shop, here we met the world famous graffiti
artist Werens. We both enjoy his work, and it was a pleasure conversating with
Werens also
signed my graff blackbook and to my surprise, he gave me a copy of his new book
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Day 6 in Barcelona
Today we (the
Norwegians) started our Catalan lessons. Catalan is quite a different language
from Norwegian. We soon realized that they take our /e/ as an 'a'. The
Norwegian name /Marie/ sounds for Catalan ears like 'Maria'. Otherwise, Catalan
'b' and 'v' both are pronounced like our Norwegian /b/. We also listened to Catalan music, and learned some useful expressions in Catalan.
Then some students from the second year at Escola Massana told about a project in history. This was about "La Maternitat d'Elna". This was an institution founded in 1939 I the town Elna in southern France. Here some 400 children were born whose mothers were refugees from the Spanish Civil War. They were interned in concentration camps in southern France. Some 200 Jewish children also were born here. Gestapo closed the institution in 1944.
Most of the day however was used to work with our kite project. We completed our sketches, and then we made them into full scale on paper.
At lunchtime, we left school. Some of the Norwegian students went shopping.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Day 5 in Barcelona
Today we
started with a visit to La Sagrada Familia. This basilica was designed by AntoniGaudi who became involved here in 1883. We had a guided tour in English through
this large church. The church have eight
towers going up to 170 meters, and there are ten more to be built. Actually the
church will not be finished until 2028 they believe. There are many windows in
the church, which make the light come in with different colours at different
times of the day.
From La Sagrada Familia we went by the metro, and started our first kite workshop at Escola Massana.
Our teacher Cecíle Dedieu gave a lesson in the history of kites and the main ways
of constructing a kite. Today we started to make sketches of the decoration. We
all hope that the final result will be amazing.
Monday, 24 March 2014
Day 4 in Barcelona
Our project here in Barcelona is to use some of Antoni Gaudi's ideas in our kite project. For this reason we visited some Gaudi buildings today.
We started in the morning. We took
the bus to Park Güell where all 100 first year's students from Escola Masasna met. This park was
designed by Gaudi and built between 1900 and 1914.
All first
year's students of Escola Massana was here to make small drawings, and of course,
there was some waiting time in a chilly morning. It was quite cold before the
sun started to shine, but then it was nice to stay here. We found many Gaudi
motives to make drawings of, and the whole area was filled up with students making drawings. In the end one of the Escola Massana teachers
made comments to the paintings.
From Park
Güell we walked down to Lesseps metro station and then we went down to
Diagonal. Here we visited the famous Casa Milà, better known as La Pedrera, in Passeig de Gracia. Our
guide told us about this building, and because the elevator was out of use (really?)
we had to walk all the way up to the roof. There are some very especial
constructions here, and it is a wonderful view of the whole city from up here.
It was not
easy to walk down all the steps, but we went out into the street, Passeig de Gracia, to look at
another famous building, Casa Battló. This one we just watch the outside of.
We spent the
evening with our Massana friends. I went with the mother of my friend to at
shopping centre to look for new shoes.
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Day 3 in Barcelona
This Sunday the Norwegian
teachers and students have experienced many different places in Barcelona and
its surroundings.
teachers tell that they have been to the Hospital de la Santa Creu de Sant Pau,
or more exactly Sant Pau Recinte Modernista. This modernista complex was built
between 1905 and 1930, it was designed by the famous architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and it is Europe’s
foremost art-nouveau complex. The teachers had a nearly two hours guided visit
to the pavilions at this magnificent complex. Hospital de la Santa Creu was
funded in 1401 when six hospitals in Barcelona moved out of town to a new
hospital building just outside the city walls. Until 1904 this was the main
hospital in Cataluña. In 1902 the banker Paul Gil Serra donated 3 million
pesetas to a new hospital which was finished in 1930. In 1929 Escola Massana was
funded in parts the old buildings.
Two of the students tell about their first Sunday in Barcelona: Today we went for a walk in our neighbourhood in Gracià and other places nearby. This is an old village with narrow roads and nice open squares with cafés. On the picture you can see people dancing at one of the Plazas i Gracia this Sunday.
After having been to Gracià we went to Barceloneta. This is a nice placeclose to the sea with beaches and restaurants. Afterwards we went to Parc de la Ciutadella. And wow, it was beautiful !! The park was full of trees and flowers, beautiful buildings like The Parliament of Catalonia. People was singing and dancing, or just relaxing in the green grass. We also found a zoo inside.
It really was a nice Sunday in Barcelona!
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Day 2 in Barcelona
On Saturday
we first met at the City Hall of Barcelona (La Casa de la Ciutat de Barcelona) in
the centre of the Old Town (Ciutat Vella). Here we went into Saló de Cent and
Saló de Cròniques.
After this
visit we went down to Placa Reial where we could rest and have something to eat
and drink. From here we walked down the famous La Rambla, and at the bottom
there was a boat going along the coast.
We went for nearly two hours looking at the seaside part of Barcelona, we also saw the beach where we are going to have our kite exhibition next week.
Friday, 21 March 2014
Day 1 in Barcelona
It really is a long way from the very north of
Norway to the Mediterranean seaport Barcelona. We started from Harstad on
Thursday evening and stayed over in a hotel at Oslo Gardermoen Airport. Early
Friday morning we left for Barcelona, and arrived in nice weather. The train from Barcelona Airport to
the train station at Sants Estaciò was easy, but the change to the metro at Sants Estaciò was terrible. There
were a lot of stairs up and down, why don't they have escalators!! It was hard
to carry all our luggage up and down and through all the tunnels.
Our friends
at Escola Massana welcomed us in the schoolyard, and we were astonished about
the nice surroundings. Escola Massana is in an old building; no, actually, it is
in a very very very old building. This is much different from the Stangnes School. Some of the Norwegian students thought it was like coming to Harry Potter's Hogwarth School, from the outside this was the first impression for some of us.
After a
nice welcome, nice food and drinks at the school, must of the students went with our friends to their homes. But some of us stayed at the school to participate in a drama course, preparing a play which will be in a festival in May.
All our families welcomed us in a way that made us feel like being home. Of course, there was a little bit "strange" food such as Spanish omelette and pan with tomatoes and olive oil; especial soups; chicken made in new ways, etc. But we loved this.
All our families welcomed us in a way that made us feel like being home. Of course, there was a little bit "strange" food such as Spanish omelette and pan with tomatoes and olive oil; especial soups; chicken made in new ways, etc. But we loved this.
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 hours!!!!!!!
You are almost here; we are very excited to
see you in Barcelona .
We are planning our free time trying to do our best.
We are going to prepare for you a good welcome
lunch and to spend some time together around the school, Cécile and Cristina
probably will explain the programme timetable for the next week and we can
discuss about what to do in our free time.
Now that we already know each other we are going to have a lot of fun
without any doubt.
At four or five everyone will go home and
we will introduce you our families. You will be able to open your luggage and
make yourself comfortable.
Today the spring has arrived!!!
Now in Barcelona the weather is quite good (around
20 degrees at midday!!) so we will hope to have a lot of fun doing outdoor
activities. We are preparing your rooms and doing the last details for making
you one of the best Barcelona
visit ever.
We hope that you will like Barcelona, and
you will spend a good time with us!!
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 2days!!!!
And here you have some more proposals about
what we could do during our free time:
We thought we can meet some of the afternoons
in some area of Barcelona to be together and have some fun. If you have a look at
our blog (countdown for the exchange…)
you will find information about some of the city’s neighborhoods where to spend
an afternoon:
- Gràcia and its cozy squares: to walk around, to sit down to have something to drink in one of the squares, etc.
- Port Olímpic: it is possible to rent bicycles or, if someone prefers, roller skates to go along the seaside boulevard.
- El Born: one of the oldest and nicest areas in Barcelona very busy on weekends afternoons and evenings.
We have also thought maybe you would like to
spend a whole day out from Barcelona; Sunday 23rd or Sunday 30th probably will be
the best days to plan it. There are different possibilities, let us know if you
would like to do one or none of them:
- Going to Port Aventura could be a tiring and funny option. Port Aventura is one of the biggest rollercoaster’s parks, and actually there is the highest rollercoaster in Europe (an hour from Barcelona by coach).
- Another possibility could be going to Montserrat. Montserrat, a Catalan icon, is situated roughly 40 kilometers north-west of Barcelona Mountain (an hour and a half from Barcelona by train).
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 3 days!!!
We know that you are a little worried about what
we are going to do in the afternoons and evenings, but you don’t have to worry
because here in Barcelona we don’t use to stay at home, we use to meet with
friends and do different things, so for sure you are not going to get bored on
the contrary, you could be quite tired as we are living in a very busy city. We
would like to make you some proposals about what we could do during our free
One afternoon we could go to the cinema. There’s one which is the biggest and it has
3D films but the films are only in Spanish, so it would be better to go to
another one which is near the beach and all the films are on O.V. The best day
to go probably would be on Wednesday afternoon because it’s the spectator day,
the cheapest day. Here’s the list of
films this week so you can decide about it:
We can also have a walk around La Ciutadella, it’s a park not far from the centre where there’s a big lake; we can hire some boats to row around it for a while. Maybe we could also go to Tibidabo which is a theme park on the mountain behind Barcelona called Collserola; we could also take a walk there to show you our nature. These are a good activities to do on Sundays.
Monday, 17 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 4 days!!!!
There are only a
few days left… so we want to introduce you a little bit of the Modernism in
Barcelona because our work next week will be inspired in this art movement.
In the 19th
century, as a consequence of the industrial revolution, it appeared a new art movement
in Catalonia and it had a lot of impact in Barcelona. One of the most important
artists from that moment was Antoni Gaudí.
It was a bourgeois movement and it looked for the aesthetic side of the
city. A lot of buildings were constructed at that time and we can admire them
in the center of Barcelona, some of them in one of its most famous boulevards: Passeig de Gràcia.
As you know we are not going to make snow sculptures here, because there’s no snow in Barcelona and the Pyrenees
are not very near; instead we are going to try to design kites. These kites are thought to
be inspired in Gaudí and in the techniques he used, one of the most famous one: the mosaic.
We can see some examples of his works in Barcelona, his well-known private houses as Casa Milà, La Pedrera (unfortunately we won’t be able to see the facade of it because it’s being repaired) ,and La casa Batlló; an open public space : Parc Güell; his worldwide famous unfinished church: La Sagrada Familia.
We can see some examples of his works in Barcelona, his well-known private houses as Casa Milà, La Pedrera (unfortunately we won’t be able to see the facade of it because it’s being repaired) ,and La casa Batlló; an open public space : Parc Güell; his worldwide famous unfinished church: La Sagrada Familia.
Here you have a
link where you can find more information and images about the Modernism in our
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 5 days!
As you know you will be given lessons of Catalan language once you will be in our school. We post in the following you tube videos just in case you would like to know a few words before arriving.
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 6 days!
Our school is placed in the centre of Barcelona, for many young people, the
best part of the city and were all tourists are. The school is half way between
Las Ramblas, the most famous boulevard,
and La Rambla del Raval, one of the oldest neighbourhoods in town.
Escola Massana School’s building is really old, so you will be
able to appreciate the wonderful architecture from many centuries ago. Before
being a school it was a hospital, actually it was the hospital where it is said
Gaudi died, but you wouldn't say it because it really looks like an arts
Most of the school walls are full of amazing graffiti, teachers
don't really allow doing graffiti on the school walls but the fact is that you
never get bored walking around our school, not just for the graffiti of course,
there are always fantastic art exhibitions in some special areas of the school!
In our school there are many types of workshops classrooms where you can learn many different arts and its techniques: the painting classroom (probably the biggest and nicest one as it is an old Gothic gallery from the old hospital), the sculpture workshop, the jewellery and enamel workshops (which work tables are the oldest ones in the school), etc.
We are really sure you will like our school and we hope you love
it as we do!
Friday, 14 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 7 days!
Another cool place in Barcelona is the Olympic village, the seafront of Barcelona.
There you can do
some activities like swimming in the sea, take a walk… There are a lot of
people that bring their skates or just run to exercise. There are also many
places to rent bikes and during the walk are several sites that you can stop if you fancy to drink or to
eat. If you follow the way until the end you can find the Sail Hotel, or Hotel
Vela as we say here. If you go up the Hotel terrace you can see a precious
views of the seafront.
Who doesn't like to walk on the beach at sunset?
Building snow sculptures
the first exchange in Harstad in January 2014, all the fifteen exchange
students from Escola Massana and all the 31 students from the Visual Art
Department at Stangnes videregående skole made eight Snow Sculptures.
The teachers at the Visual Art Department made an oral instruction in English accompanied by photos of the entire Snow sculpture constructing process. This presentation is now updated with text and new pohotos.
On Internet you will find this "Making Snow Sculpture" Instruction.
You might also see the video "Snow Sculptures" showing most of the prosess.
The "Snow Sculptures from zero to finished" is also on video.
And at last you can watch one snow sculpture grow up in the video "From snow cube to snow sculpture".
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 8 days!!!
Some of us live in
Gràcia; Gràcia is one of the Barcelona most traditional neighbourhoods.
Gràcia is a very
lively neighbourhood and many young people go there to have a drink or to have
lunch or dinner outside in one its squares. There are many squares around and they
are very beautiful, with a lot of benches to sit down under the trees, bars
and restaurant terraces to have a drink or a full meal, there are also many small and traditional shops. This neighbourhood
is quite old; it used to be a village outside Barcelona in the old times. There are some
musical clubs where local musicians and groups usually do concerts on Friday and
Saturday evenings, the one we know and like it’s called Fontana.
Every Barcelona neighbourhood is different from the other ones, not only the architecture is different, also the kind of shops and the evening atmosphere. Just tell us if you would like to book a place for having dinner all the Comenius Group, it could be a very good idea to have a good time all together. .
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 9 days!
Just only 9
days last and the nerves are increasing!! Our families are looking forward to meet you and we have finished planning all the school activities for the whole week.
These days we are having a very good weather; it
looks like the spring has already arrived. We are having between 15 and 20
degrees at midday. We expect you will be able to enjoy this warm and sunny weather when you
come here, to Barcelona. But to tell you the truth, Mediterranean
weather can change at lot, and more at that time of the year.
Barcelona is a very touristic city and in spring is full of tourists, people from very different countries. It’s funny to see them wearing summer clothes when we are still wearing the winter ones. You can ask us everything about what you have to wear, and we will be very glad to tell you. Don’t forget to bring your snow boots and skiis!!!!
Now that starts the nice weather people starts meeting and going out, for example to have lunch in Las Ramblas, shopping in the Portal de l'Angel or go to the Barceloneta beach during the weekend to sunbathe. There are many concerts and cultural activities to do, so we are sure we will always have something to do during our free time.
Barcelona is a very touristic city and in spring is full of tourists, people from very different countries. It’s funny to see them wearing summer clothes when we are still wearing the winter ones. You can ask us everything about what you have to wear, and we will be very glad to tell you. Don’t forget to bring your snow boots and skiis!!!!
Now that starts the nice weather people starts meeting and going out, for example to have lunch in Las Ramblas, shopping in the Portal de l'Angel or go to the Barceloneta beach during the weekend to sunbathe. There are many concerts and cultural activities to do, so we are sure we will always have something to do during our free time.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Countdown for the exchange: 10 days!
After two weeks here in Barcelona we are still
working hard to catch up with all the homework that our classmates did while we
were in Norway.
Now we are working to prepare your stay here to
make you have a good time. We have already planned most of the activities we are
going to do and the places we are going to visit. Otherwise it would be
grateful if you give us some ideas of things you would like to do in our free
time. That way we will make sure that you enjoy the time.
Last week our parents met Cristina and Cécile
to arrange how everything will go once you will be here. Moreover yesterday all
first year Massana’s teachers had a meeting to decide the school timetable
during that week.
We started our last sculpture project. We are
doing abstract shapes to stroke with
clay and then with alabaster. We will show you when they’ll be finished.
Here you have a colourful picture of the Parc
Güell designed by Gaudí and the
landscape of Barcelona. Probably we are going to be there a full morning to
Thursday, 6 March 2014
open air exhibition at Stangnes is probably one of the things we most remember
once we are again in our daily routine in Massana. We realized the exhibition was an important
event for Stangnes Skole and Harstad; there was the local television to record
the event and a journalist from a national paper asking us questions to write
an article about our project.
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